Louth – 'Regeneration of a beloved Market Town’

Louth – 'Regeneration of a beloved Market Town’

Louth Town Regeneration


Heta was appointed by East Lindsey District Council to deep-dive into the town’s challenges and unlock opportunities through research, engagement, analysis and design to deliver a holistic masterplan of interventions that aim to boost the, environment, enterprise, economy and the community.

Project Details

  • Category: Architecture / Environmental / Insight / Human / Digital
  • Location: Louth, UK
  • Status: Concept

A Charming Market Town

The historic market town of Louth has many attractors: its gourmet food trail, its charming independent shops, its local heritage and St James’ church, and more, all set amongst the stunning Lincolnshire Wolds. Delightful as Louth is however, it is little known outside of Lincolnshire; this amongst other factors and trends such as the struggling high street, transport and accessibility, digital connectivity, challenges to retention and an aging population, have led to seeking new ways to rejuvenate its town centre and re-establish its vitality and viability.

Strategic mapping of Louth’s town centre across various lenses including environmental analysis, urban planning, transport and accessibility, key destinations, and asset use, to identify existing conditions, challenges and opportunities.
Collecting data for better insight into the people of Louth.
'Heta have worked with ELDC on several projects ranging from town regeneration and masterplans, to helping us develop our recent Towns Fund bids. We continue to work with Heta because they understand us, they are creative, and they are able to connect the needs and aspirations of public and private stakeholders and bring it all together to deliver valuable outcomes on time and on budget.'

Tim Leader: Deputy Chief Executive, ELDC
People analysis overview - Understanding the target audience

Now Is The Time - Direct Interventions

Built on the outcomes of stakeholder engagement, Heta developed an overarching narrative that is about celebrating what is special about Louth and focusing on how to improve and amplify these unique assets. Heta developed a tangible action plan to deliver interventions across governance, place branding and experience, improvements to public realm, strategic asset re-purposing and an enriched mix of high street uses to realise the area’s strategic ambitions and a thriving town centre.

The Rejuvenated Market Hall - A critical re-use asset, as a hub and indicator of change to serve as anchor for the various other town-wide interventions and initatives.

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Rejuvenation of the Market Hall - Externally the existing gran and glazed window arch would be restored to form as backdrop to pocket spill out space for street market stalls.

Rejuvenation of the Market Hall - Internally the ground floor would be a flexible and curated market with a mix of street food and local produce and maker vendors. The upper mezzanine level would be restored with bar use, whilst the lower arch levels would be restored for cultural programme uses.


Urban Interventions: On road car parking

Urban Interventions: Green planting + integrated seating

Urban Interventions: Deployable planters + seating for flexible spill-out

Urban Interventions: Deployable planters + seating for flexible crossing

Urban Interventions: Lightweight planters, small vegetation + bench seating

Urban Interventions: Space for shopfront extension and street activation

Urban Interventions: Space for cafe culture and street activation

Urban Interventions: Lightweight planter, bicycle parking + electric car charging point

Urban Interventions: On road car parking
Urban Interventions: Green planting + integrated seating
Urban Interventions: Deployable planters + seating for flexible spill-out
Urban Interventions: Deployable planters + seating for flexible crossing
Urban Interventions: Lightweight planters, small vegetation + bench seating
Urban Interventions: Space for shopfront extension and street activation
Urban Interventions: Space for cafe culture and street activation
Urban Interventions: Lightweight planter, bicycle parking + electric car charging point

'Map your town' responses from the locals