DFMA Timber Buildings

Discover innovative DFMA timber building solutions with Heta Architects, offering sustainable and efficient construction methods for modern architectural projects.

Sep 28, 2022


The construction industry accounts for 50% of the total carbon emissons of the UK per year.

Our planet is facing a global challenge to find solutions to our carbon footprint. Our construction sector accounts for nearly half of all the UK’s total annual carbon emissions. It is not new to us but it is crucial that we as architects and our allied disciplines in the field continue to find new ways to design and build that push us closer to a zero carbon future as quickly as is possible.

Research & Insights

To this end, as part of our continued work in research-led projects, Heta and Waterman Group have been collaborating on research into sustainable solutions for the integrated future of a systemized off-site approach  (Kit Of Parts- Designed For Manufacture & Assembly) alongside Engineered Timber as a key material and structural component.

Through in-depth research and development, tested against some of our live residential sector projects, for real-world suitability, we have been assessing how we can achieve the most efficient and attainable carbon reductions through DFMA & Timber or Hybrid Timber buildings, considering the whole lifecycle and challenging any pre-suppositions to truly understand what is the best option for any given scenario.

This is an ongoing area of research that Heta and Waterman Group are continuing to develop with our industry partners to challenge our concepts and delivery outcomes across all our projects and sectors.

Specific Solutions using Common Parts
A Pathway to the Circular Economy - Re-Usable and Interchangable Components

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Part of a Carbon Capturing Cycle & Recycle / Re-use loops
Specific Advantages Summary


We are also critically applying this research & knowledge to real-world clients and situations, to allow for real world insight & feedback to work back into the projects, and for these ideas to be investigated and implemented globally.

Various options for the Best Overall System for Carbon Expenditure

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