Heta Wellness Webinar

Discover wellness design insights, COVID-19 trends, and inspiring projects. Connect with Heta Architects for transformative design solutions.

Feb 9, 2021

Wellness as a Design Philosophy


Wellness Webinar - Wellness as a Design Philosophy

In this webinar presentation to Gleeds in the autumn of 2020, our Wellness Associate and WELL AP Catherine Borse, shared her knowledge of wellness design in a world quickly changing against a backdrop of the global pandemic.

To find out more about Gleeds, visit their website: http://www.gleeds.com


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Wellness Webinar Summary

At Heta, we believe that integrating wellness design right from the beginning of projects can change human behaviour, and that by using wellness design we can create environments that benefit the health and wellbeing of people, from individuals through to whole cities.

In this webinar Catherine covers:

The Heta approach to wellness design, that we focus on people and create better, more meaningful experiences for them through our Design Advisory process.

It moves on to provide some background on the history of wellness as a design philosophy, defining wellness, and why we should pursue wellness design.

Wellness design is explained, along with some elements that contribute to it, the benefits and where can it be applied.

Catherine then highlights the importance of wellness design post-COVID and three key trends towards wellness in the built environment that have been accelerated by the Covid 19 pandemic. Including examples of how this could translate into positive change.

Finally, there is an illustrated case study of a Heta project; an ocean side wellness hotel on Jeju Island.

To showcase the wellness mood inspired by the Jeju project, our short HETA Immersive Communications film provides a sensory experience to close.

If you would like to explore any of the ideas in this webinar further with our Design Advisory Team at Heta, or have a project that would benefit from our wellness lens, please get in touch.

Heta Wellness Design: Jeju Island - Wellness Spa
Heta Wellness Design: Haenam - Direct connection to nature.

Presentation topics